Thursday, November 1, 2007

conversations II

Blogging wasn't on my plan for today, except that I don't really have any plans at all to begin with, and I am not the kind who plans things ahead. I would want this day to be peaceful, that I don't want the agony of writing (or thinking of what to write ) to spoil it. I kept myself busy browsing, reading other people's blogs, eating hotdog sandwiches and taking few calls (I work in a call center).

Today, I had my lunch with friends at the pantry (which I don't normally do). We were watching TV while eating (The tv was already on when we went there). The channel was set to ETC and Ambush Makeover was being shown.

While watching TV, a friend asked why is it that nobody's perfect (This had something to do with the program we were watching). I thought of it for awhile, only to realize that I don't exactly know why, and find the question rather difficult. So instead of answering, I asked her a question as well. I asked what perfection is for her (how she defines it). She didn't answer. I didn't know what to answer either if someone would ask me the same question.

I just ended the conversation uttering these exact words: "I think being perfect is imperfection itself."

I don't really know how to explain it (though i can try explaining it, if necessary) but it sounded really good, I admired myself for a second for having said it.

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the inconsistent

the inconsistent
he who loves

About Me

I am a writer even if I'm not. And I am a rockstar, too.