Sunday, October 18, 2009

blogging is still cool

The last time I have written anything in here, or have written anything at all, was last July. That's three months. Have my life been that boring? A little, maybe.

Today, I have, once again, seen Julie and Julia. I still love it after the third viewing. My BFF loved it, too. It was my second time when I watched it with her. We were texting earlier while I'm watching the movie. She said that it's the best movie she has seen so far this year, and that she wants to watch it again some other time.

I replied by saying that one of my reasons in staying with the job I can't stand is for us to be able to watch more movies, especially now that the Oscars is nearing.

the inconsistent

the inconsistent
he who loves

About Me

I am a writer even if I'm not. And I am a rockstar, too.